700 Holland Street
Bridgeville, PA 15017

(412) 257-5100
Mon-Fri    8am - 4:30pm


Sewer Rate Modification Notice

For 2025, the basic monthly service charge will be $15.00. The MATSF service charge is billed to all
customers regardless of water use and is primarily utilized for fixed costs such as debt service (repayment of
loans), insurance, billing and similar costs. Commencing with your next (February) bill, the consumption charge
will increase from $14.78/thousand gallons to $15.95/thousand gallons. This is directly a result of ALCOSAN’s
2025 rate increase as discussed in detail in the MATSF 2025 budget.

See the following links:

2025 Rate Modification

MATSF receives 2nd “GROW” grant offer from ALCOSAN

In 2020, MATSF expended $428,058 for rehabilitation work on various sewers segments in the vicinity of Portman Run. The key aspects of the work included approximately 9,400 feet of manhole to manhole pipe lining and lining or grouting of the public portion of 38 laterals. This work was performed to eliminate groundwater infiltration and root penetration within certain portions of those sewer segments. In 2021, MATSF filed a grant application with ALCOSAN as part of the sixth round of their “GROW” grant program (Green Revitalization of Our Waterways Program). Subsequently, ALCOSAN offered a grant in the amount of $93,200 and the agreement documents were executed on November 1, 2021. Upon completion of a final project report, the grant funds are anticipated to be received during the first quarter of 2022.

This is the second “GROW” grant awarded to MATSF. The first grant in the amount of $35,800 was for sewer rehabilitation work performed in 2017 on the upper portion of the Millers Run Trunk Sewer. That grant was awarded in 2019.

MATSF Feasibility Study

The ACO (Administrative Consent Order) process culminated in the preparation of a feasibility study by each community tributary to ALCOSAN. The feasibility studies are intended to provide specific actions that each tributary municipality or Authority envisions implementing between now and 2026 to curtail sewer system overflows. That report can be viewed by clicking here: CC_feasibility201307