Author: admin
June 2017 Billing Change
Please be advised that we have changed the format for our sewer billing statements. This is your first sewer bill with the new format. Please take a moment to review your new bill.
The most important change is that all customers will have a new account number. We ask for your patience while changes are being made to improve our billing system.
See all the changes here : 2017BillingInsertJune2017
Infiltration / Inflow
A public informational flyer on what Infiltration and Inflow means and how it can be costly to communities:2015_infiltration_inflow_can_be_costly(1)
MATSF Feasibility Study
The ACO (Administrative Consent Order) process culminated in the preparation of a feasibility study by each community tributary to ALCOSAN. The feasibility studies are intended to provide specific actions that each tributary municipality or Authority envisions implementing between now and 2026 to curtail sewer system overflows. That report can be viewed by clicking here: CC_feasibility201307